Poker is a natural fit with the inclinations, talents, and skills of many future entrepreneurs. A close reading of the odds, combined with the ability to out-psych the opposition, leads to capital accumulation in many fields, aside from the poker table.
Starting today we’ll weekly post the tips that made us successful players.
-Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.
While risk and reward management might seem like an obvious skill for you to have – both in daily life as well as poker – gambling likes to bring out sides of ourselves that we usually don’t witness; as we sometimes play with more passion that reason. You should always try and strike a compromise between the two, and never allow things to get out of control. Good poker players should be willing to take a big risk if the reward is high enough, but ONLY if the expected return is higher than the risk. Playing poker is a kind of balancing act, and awesome poker players are the ones who can balance things with the most skill. All this leads to a second sentence:
-Always play for meaningful stakes
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